Thursday, August 13, 2009

Want to get married? You seem a little young...

As I was busy in my office today preparing shiurim for this coming academic year, I get a phone call from the receptionist saying that there is a young couple in the lobby looking to get married. I look at my calendar. It can't be the couple I am marrying in a few months from now. I am not meeting them until next week. Who could it be? I take out a notepad and a pen and head to the lobby.

When I get to the lobby I notice that there are 3 adults and about 6 five year old children waiting for me. I wonder, who is looking to get married? Two of the adults introduce me to two of the children and tell me that these two very children are the ones looking to get married. I look at them incredulously until after a moment the adults told me they are teachers at a school and the kids are going on a field trip through the neighborhood learning about what they are interested in from "experts" in the various areas.

One child previously, they tell me, was interested in doing pedicures so they want to a nail salon and learned about pedicures. And now these two children are interested in marriage so they have come to a rabbi to learn about marriage.

Suffice it to say that everyday is a new adventure in the rabbinate.

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